Monday, 24 December 2012

GPS Tracker Services

The relatively low cost of fitting GPS Tracker to vehicles has brought not just family cars into the 21st century but also enabled emergency services, public transport networks and private companies. Modern GPS transmitters are small, powerful units that are able to pinpoint accurately, in real time anything from a speeding train, bus loaded with passengers to a courier delivering a parcel.

State of the art technology, integrated with global positioning system satellites mean that you never have to be in the dark as to where your taxi is, when the delivery driver will arrive or where you parked the car in that massive shopping centre. The bugbear with most vehicle related services was that you were never be sure when they were due, standing at bus stops you would often hear "Typical you wait half an hour and three buses turn up at once". Well now transport authorities are better able to coordinate their service and many have now provided systems to keep passengers informed as to where their next bus is as well.

Fleet managers are also benefiting from GPS trackers as many taxi companies, couriers and postal services have installed units into their vehicles to keep them informed of vehicle locations. The telemetries that these device produce, such as location, speed and direction also make the Fleet mangers job easier in terms of providing a reliable and responsive service.

Where GPS in the public domain has proved a real lifesaver is with emergency services, while everyone likes to know where their taxi is and not to have to wait in all day for a parcel, they most definitely care about the location of the ambulance or fire engine they've called. These systems mean that shift controllers are able to direct the best placed vehicle to an emergency, often saving valuable seconds when it counts most.

GPS has gone from being a military top secret and executive toy ten years ago to being an integral part of our everyday lives. They mean that public transport services are better able to keep us informed and deliver a reliable service and the fire, ambulance and police services are even more prepared to help in the most desperate of circumstances. Today's GPS trackers mean that not only is Big Brother watching us but that we are able to look back at him, ensuring that we know exactly just what is coming around the corner.

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